Conroe DWI Assistance

You should seek legal counsel immediately if you have been pulled over for suspicion of driving while impaired (DWI) in Conroe. Texas DWI convictions can lead to driving privileges being revoked and jail time. Fines may also be assessed. It can also affect your reputation, job, and personal relationships. Attorney Ronnie Yeates doesn't want to see a one-time mistake ruin your life. Ronnie has a wide range of experience ranging from minor tickets to life sentences. Attorney Ronnie Yeates will have your back throughout this ordeal.

Texas Penal Code 49.04 states Driving While Intoxicated is when a person is "intoxicated while operating a motor vehicle while in a public place." This means you can be charged with DWI if you have lost your normal mental or physical faculties by being intoxicated by alcohol or drugs or having a BAC over .08. If your BAC is less than 0.08, the officer on-site may (and often will) arrest you if they believe you're too intoxicated to operate your vehicle.Shot of a policeman asking a young driver to use a drunkometer

The range of punishment for a DWI first depends on your BAC and if it is under or over .15. Suppose it is your first offense DWI charge in Texas, and your BAC is under .15 (a Class B Misdemeanor). A Class B DWI under .15 carries a minimum sentence of 72 hours in jail or six days if there was an open container in the vehicle, and up to $2,000 in fines. The maximum jail term is 180 days in jail for a DWI first with a BAC under .15. If it is your first DWI and your BAC is over .15 (a class A Misdemeanor), you can get up to 1 year in jail and up to a $4000 fine. Of course, there are other impacts on your life for a DWI first, such as a license suspension up to 2 years long, class requirements, the possibility of getting an ignition interlock device on your vehicle, and a statutory civil fee of $3000 to $6,000.

The stakes get even higher if you are charged with a DWI second or more. A second DWI offense is a Class A misdemeanor. A Class A misdemeanor DWI can result in a sentence of 30 days to one year in jail, a maximum $4,000 fine, license suspension for up to two years, mandatory installation of an interlock device on your vehicle, and between a $4500 to $6000 civil fee. A third or more DWI offense is a third-degree felony and carries a sentence of between two and ten years in Texas Prison, a maximum $10,000 fine, and license suspension for up to two years, along with the requirement of an interlock device on your vehicle, and a $4500 to $6000 civil fee. Suppose you get a DWI in Montgomery County, Harris County, or surrounding counties. If so, it is crucial to contact Ronnie Yeates immediately. Ronnie Yeates has dealt with many DWI charges, from first-time offenders to those facing 25 years to life in prison for multiple DWI charges.

Texas' implied consent law requires anyone arrested for a DWI offense to take a breath or blood test (the officer gets to choose which one) to check their blood alcohol level or to detect any drugs in their system. Refusing to submit to a post-arrest chemical testing will result in your driver's license being suspended for 180 days for a first offense. A refusal to test after at least one "enforcement contact" with alcohol or drugs within the past ten years can lead to a two-year license suspension. If you refuse, you face a one-sided license revocation process. You only have 15 days to request an Administrative License Revocation hearing (ALR). If you consent and your BAC is over .08, you will still have to have an ALR hearing to keep your driver's license. Even if we may lose the hearing, it is wise to have an attorney like Ronnie Yeates fight it and cross-examine the officer for the criminal case.

The standard field sobriety test consists of the horizontal gaze nystagmus test (eye), the one-leg stand, and the walk-and-turn tests. Officers use these tests to determine whether a person is impaired. These tests are subjective and provide more evidence to police officers. Texas law doesn't require you to take them. Refusing to take these tests can and probably will result in an arrest. Remember, the officers are always trying to build a case against you.

A Texas DWI conviction will most likely remain on your criminal record throughout your entire life without the help of an experienced lawyer. A DWI on your record could make it challenging to find employment, get housing, apply for college/university and lead a normal lifestyle. DWIs can stick with you for the rest of your life. DWI convictions are not eligible for expunction (removal). However, a DWI conviction can be sealed, though. Ronnie can help you and has sealed many clients' records from prying eyes. Ronnie doesn't want to see a DWI charge stick with you and ruin all parts of your life. Remember, if you get a DWI charge in Conroe, immediately contact an attorney experienced in fighting DWI charges. Call Ronnie Yeates.

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